A man strode into a San Antonio barbershop looking for more than just a little off the sides and began waving a gun and demanding wallets and purses from the patrons in the establishment.

When one of the barbers, a 26-year-old man who was part owner of the business, didn’t comply quickly enough, the bandit began pistol whipping him. He then turned toward the other owner of the shop, a 51-year-old woman and showing he was full of tricks, pulled out a handful of zip ties.

The other owner may have been down, but he was far from out, and while he may have been slow to initially comply, he wasn’t about to hang out any longer and see what played out. He had already tried the peaceful approach and all it got him was pistol whipped. So, with that, he whipped out his own gun, took aim and went high and tight with multiple rounds into the man’s chest.

Emergency services arrived on the scene and took the wounded bandit to a hospital before he could leave a tip but the man eventually expired. He should’ve gotten a haircut before attempting to rob the place, then he could’ve at least looked good at his open casket funeral.

The lesson here: Don’t mess with the barbershop or the barber; you’ll get cut down!

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