Democrats in Congress are all fired up about President Donald Trump’s executive order demanding a whole-of-government review of federal firearms regulations, and his instructions to new Attorney General Pam Bondi to “examine all orders, regulations, guidance, plans, international agreements and other actions of executive departments and agencies to assess any ongoing infringements of the Second Amendment rights of our citizens.”

In a recent, overly demanding (considering their minority status) letter penned by Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Maryland, the gun-haters in blue showed their true colors.

“There is plainly no need for any new plan of action to, in the words of the executive order, ‘protect the Second Amendment rights of all Americans,’” one section of the letter, obtained by, stated.

Whoo, boy. We finally got it in writing! “No need to protect the Second Amendment rights of all Americans.”

At issue are the final rules the Biden Administration’s weaponized Department of Justice and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (AFT) published, severely curtailing the rights of lawful gun owners. Rep. Raskin and other Congressional Democrats

 in Congress don’t want to see those rolled back, even though some have already been struck down in various courtrooms throughout the nation.

In the letter, the representatives also launched a full-scale defense of Biden’s weaponized ATF, including the administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy which caused revocation of firearms licenses for simple clerical errors.

“The executive order specifically instructs you to examine the ATF’s ‘enhanced regulatory enforcement policy,’” the letter stated. “Under this policy, ATF initiates the process to revoke the licenses of gun dealers who put the public at serious risk by willfully violating the Gun Control Act through transferring a firearm to a prohibited person, failing to conduct a background check, falsifying records, failing to respond to a trace request or refusing to allow ATF to conduct an inspection. Through this policy, ATF has enforced the Gun Control Act as passed by Congress and has revoked the licenses of the tiny fraction of gun dealers who willfully violated the law.”

Of course, that is a blatant lie, as the Biden policy not only caused revocation of licenses for simple clerical errors, but also cause some FFLs to give up their licenses to avoid prosecution—and persecution—by the ATF.

While cheering the new “laws” put in effect by DOJ and ATF, the congressional Democrats were duplicitous enough to remind AG Bondi that only Congress can pass laws. It would be comical if it wasn’t so frustrating.

“While every administration has enforced our nation’s firearms laws to help keep us safe, any changes to those laws must come from Congress,” the letter stated. “That is why we hope you will work with us and keep us informed as we seek to ensure all Americans are safe from gun violence.”

In the end, the representatives posed a list of 12 demanding questions to AG Bondi, and insisted that she meet a March 17 deadline with her answers. I know millions of other gun owners join me in hoping she gives them the only answer they deserve on this matter: “Stick it!”

Read the full article here