Many years ago, I pounded my arches flat, walking a beat. I didn’t feel under gunned with a Smith & Wesson .38 on the belt and six extra rounds in a carrier. The revolver is demonstrably robust and reliable. It is simple to maintain and operate. I carried a revolver on my own time even after I qualified with a self-loading pistol for service use.
The revolver was carried as a backup in a jacket pocket or in an ankle holster. I continued to carry a Magnum revolver when hiking and exploring and, in some situations, still carry the revolver by choice. I don’t carry older pieces, although some are very good. I carry modern revolvers with every advantage, including, in some cases, night sights and moon clip reloading.
Top Calibers
Despite a chronic absence of big money, I managed to own several good revolvers. Many of these revolvers have been .38 Special caliber, .357 Magnum, and a few .44 Magnum revolvers. It was common back in the day for officers in rural areas to carry a six-inch barrel .41 or .44 Magnum revolvers as ‘car guns’ for use against vehicles or putting down injured animals.
They worked like a charm. I managed to take game, notably large boar hogs, with the .44 Magnum. It was four legs in the air and an animal humanely and quickly dispatched. With a big lead SWC hunting load you can eat right up to the bullet hole and I often did.
I should add that a cohesive training program and regular practice is essential to proficiency with any firearm. Good training structure is not only effective but enjoyable. The rub is- how do you incorporate this training into a life filled with work and other hassles? Practice is required for consistent peak performance.
The revolver offers a simple manual of arms, easy handling, and in some cases superior reliability. That said the majority of malfunctions I have seen with automatics are a result of poor cleaning or unwise modifications. A revolver stored for months at ready will come up shooting.
The Revolver Advantage
The revolver has advantages in certain critical areas. As one example a short barrel revolver doesn’t offer much leverage for a gun grabber who grasps the barrel during a struggle. The handle however offers a good gripping surface.
One of my Lieutenants a very experienced officer carefully honed the sides of his ramp front sight as sharp as possible in case of a gun grab. Others had a thin gold line set into the revolver sight at a carefully arrived at hold over spot for long range fire. We qualified at fifty yards in those days.
An officer using a Combat Masterpiece, Combat Magnum, or Highway Patrolman was often a very good shot at long range. Another advantage is that the revolver may be pressed into an adversary’s body and fired repeatably without jamming.
A revolver may be fired from inside a coat pocket. (Those guys in the popular press don’t tell you that your knuckles will be singed but then I don’t recommend a tactic I have not tried.) The martial ability of the revolver cannot be overrated.
A revolvers smooth rolling action helps control recoil well as the break is a surprise you don’t anticipate recoil. I am not saying the revolver always trumps an automatic, but the revolver has clear advantages in some situations.
Favorite Models
The advantages laid out let’s look at some of the best choices in a modern revolver. The first and my one handgun that is always with me is a Smith & Wesson J frame .38 Special. The 642 is a stainless steel and aluminum five shot revolver with a 1 7/8 inch barrel. This revolver is light at just over 14 ounces. It is usually carried in a side pocket in a Galco pocket holster, sometimes in the back pocket, or in a zippered jacket pocket.
The little .38 is smooth in operation and while the finish is well worn the 642 keeps going. I load this revolver with Hornady’s Critical Defense +P. Hornady offers a 90-grain Lite, a standard velocity 110-grain Critical Defense, and the 110-grain +P load neatly bracketing recoil tolerance. This is an essential handgun for anyone, regardless of whether you carry a Glock, SIG, or a 1911 pistol.
It is surprising how much heavier the 22-ounce 640 Pro feels than its lighter sibling. Control is good even with Magnum loads. This is easily the most high developed J frame revolver ever designed. The pistol features high visibility three-dot night sights, the same humpback profile, and concealed hammer as the 642, a superbly smooth action, a fluted barrel, and rubber grips that separate the hand from metal. This is a five-shot revolver chambered in .357 Magnum.
The Magnum is a bear to control in a light revolver but not that difficult in double-action pairs for those that concentrate on practical shooting control. The 640 Pro’s chambers are faced off to accept moon clips from TK Custom. Nothing is faster or more secure to load than a moon-clipped revolver. This revolver often rides in a Galco Summer Comfort inside the waistband holster. After some test and evaluation I find that the hottest +P .38 Special loads make the most sense for personal defense use. This is a highly developed J frame and among the two or three best-designed defense revolvers of all time, in my opinion.
Most Effective Revolvers
Easily the most effective revolver of the three Smith & Wesson revolvers I carry often is the 686 Plus. This is a medium frame revolver in .357 Magnum with a seven shot cylinder. If you choose a six inch barrel revolver the Magnum has the ability to take deer-sized game at modest ranges. It is among our most proven personal-defense cartridges.
That is where my three inch barrel revolver shines, personal defense. The Magnum may be loaded with rapidly expanding bullets that create an extensive but shallow wound, loads with a good balance of expansion and penetration, or hard-cast bullets that will drive deep into a boar hog or even offer defense against bears and mountain lions. There is also the option of using the shorter .38 Special. The lighter load kicks much less and also offer good economy.
The L-Frame Smith and Wesson is well suited for the Magnum cartridge. This revolver’s 37 ounce weight is ideal for constant carry in a well designed holster. This weight makes firing the Magnum cartridge less of a chore. My carry load, the Hornady 125 grain Critical Defense, is as good a defense load as we may deploy. (Chronographed velocity in a three inch barrel 1344 fps) I like the three inch barrel Magnum a great deal. The revolver may be brought quickly from the holster and moves fast in tracking targets.
The L frame is a medium frame between the K frame and N frame revolvers. The L-Frame was the last of the purpose-designed police revolvers. The cylinder is larger than a Model 19 or K-Frame revolvers, at 1.559-inches diameter versus 1.446 inches for the K-Frame. This is a robust design strong enough to handle Magnum loads. The handle is the same size as the K frame and accepts a wide range of custom grips. The factory rubberized grips are ideal for most types of shooting.
The six-shot revolver has long been a standard in .357 Magnum. Smith and Wesson redesigned the L-Frame to a seven-shot cylinder. The L-Frame cylinder is just larger enough than the K-Frame to make this redesign viable. Another advantage in my hands is that the new geometry seems to make for a faster action and lock time. The action must be tried to be appreciated.
In common with most Smith & Wesson Magnum revolvers the 686 features a fully-adjustable rear sight and post front with red insert. A seven-shot cylinder is a marvel in engineering. Not only does it function properly, the action seems sharper and faster due to adaptations to the new cylinder geometry. I have fired this revolver in fast paced defense drills and also firing from a solid brace at ranges up to 100 yards. I enjoy my revolvers very much. I count on them for hard use and you will be able to as well.
Where To Buy
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