We’ve chronicled over the past few years how anti-gun politicians in some liberal states have attempted—sometimes successfully—to bolster their state budget on the backs of lawful gun and ammunition purchasers. In fact, California now levies an 11% excise tax on guns and ammunition, and  Colorado residents must pay an extra 6.5% tax on guns, ammo and accessories.

Other states and municipalities have attempted to pass legislation requiring gun owners to purchase expensive liability insurance policies for firearms they own. In fact, in 2022, San Jose, California, passed a statute forcing gun owners to pay an annual fee and purchase liability insurance to cover damages from accidental or negligent use of their firearms.

Now, a Texas Congressman is attempting to put an end to the trend of punishing gun owners for exercising a constitutional right. On February 4, U.S. Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, introduced the “No User Fee For Gun Owners Act,” which would prohibit any state or local government from requiring insurance, taxes, user fees or similar burdensome charges as a condition for the continued ownership of firearms, pistols or revolvers.

“The radical Left has been trying to chip away at our Constitutional rights for years, particularly the right to bear arms,” Rep. Jackson said in a press release announcing the measure. “The Founding Fathers included the Second Amendment to ensure citizens could defend themselves. That’s why I’m reintroducing the No User Fees for Gun Owners Act, to stop liberal Democrat state and local governments from forcing gun owners to pay additional insurance or taxes meant to limit gun ownership and make it too costly for the average American to exercise their Second Amendment right.”

According to Jackson, based on the results of last November’s election, when Republicans held the majority in the House and recaptured the Senate and presidency, now is the time for such a measure.

“Under President Trump’s leadership and a Republican-controlled Congress, we have a chance to return to our country’s founding principles and protect Americans’ Second Amendment rights for generations to come,” he said.

The language of the bill states: “A State, or unit of local government of a State, may not impose any insurance requirement, or any tax, user fee, or other similar charge, as a condition of the manufacture, importation, acquisition, transfer, or continued ownership of a firearm or ammunition, except that a generally applicable sales tax may be assessed against firearms or ammunition in the same proportion to which the tax applies to other goods or services.”

Another section of the bill specifically addresses handguns.

“A State, or unit of local government of a State, may not impose any insurance requirement, or any tax, user fee, or other similar charge, as a condition of the manufacture, importation, acquisition, transfer, or continued ownership of a firearm, pistol, or revolver, except that a generally applicable sales tax may be assessed against firearms, pistols, or revolvers in the same proportion to which the tax applies to other goods 11 or services.”

The measure currently has 38 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives.

Read the full article here