As political “red” states go, Wyoming is among the reddest. It’s so red, in fact, that the state has a law on the books providing penalties for government officials who infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of Cowboy State citizens.

Wyoming Statute 9-14-203 was passed in 2022 and imposes a penalty of up to a year of imprisonment and a fine up to $2,000 for state or local officials who infringe on 2A rights. Now, however, eight state legislators are pushing a plan to do away with the statute.

House Bill 283 completely rewrites the statute, taking out the Second Amendment protection portion. It originally stated: “This state and all political subdivisions of this state are prohibited from using any personnel or funds appropriated by the legislature of the state of Wyoming, or any other source of funds that originated within the state of Wyoming to enforce, administer or cooperate with any unconstitutional act, law, treaty, executive order, rule or regulation of the United States government that infringes on or impedes the free exercise of individual rights guaranteed under the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.”

If passed, the new provision would read: “Except as otherwise provided in this section, this state and all political subdivisions of this state are prohibited from using any personnel or funds appropriated by the legislature of the state of Wyoming, or any other source of funds that originated within the state of Wyoming or any federal funds or other source of funds to enforce, administer or cooperate with attempt to enforce, provide material aid, support or participate in any manner in the enforcement or implementation of any unconstitutional act, law, treaty, executive order, rule or regulation of the United States government that infringes on or impedes the free exercise of individual rights guaranteed under the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States solely regarding firearms, accessories or ammunition against any law-abiding citizen.”

In another section, the measure strikes the section levying penalties for officials who knowingly violate citizens’ Second Amendment rights.

According to a state alert by Gun Owners of America (GOA), the eight lawmakers pushing the measure are Reps. Robert Wharff, Bo Biteman, Tim French, Bob Ide, Dan Laursen, Troy McKeown, Tim Salazar and Darin Smith.

“Why do these eight legislators want to destroy a Wyoming law that many pro-gun outlets have called America’s best Second Amendment Protection Act?” GOA asked in the alert. “Contact each of these Legislators and ask them why they propose to destroy the criminal provisions in Wyoming Statute 9-14-203. “

Indeed, that’s a valid question. Why would lawmakers move to get rid of such provisions? The only logical answer is that they plan to violate those provisions at one point or another and don’t want to be prosecuted for doing so. Alas, an exhaustive internet search didn’t turn up any further information on the bill or why its sponsors introduced it.

Ultimately, it remains to be seen whether the eight lawmakers garner enough support for the measure. It’ll be a shame if they do, as the Wyoming law is the envy of gun-rights proponents in many other states who wish their citizens had such strong protection.

Read the full article here